Friday, February 24, 2017

The Reformation

A PBS Documentary on Martin Luther: Counter Reformation and Art lecture presentation: Clip One: Clip Two: Clip Three: Clip Four:

The Renaissance

Art of the Western World--the High Renaissance

Raphael (a self portrait is at left) was a young rival (though admirer of) both Leonardo and Michelangelo. The latter distrusted Raphael and had the Sistine Chapel locked at night hoping to prevent the younger artist's efforts at "copying." Perhaps Raphael's most famous painting, "The School of Athens" (above left) reveals the Renaissance's use of perspective and light. It also shows the relationship between Raphael and his older contemporary and competitor, Michelangelo. Apparently the dark, brooding figure in the foreground of the painting is the sour (and dour) Michelangelo himself (The two artists were at work in the Vatican at the same time--Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel and Raphael in the pope's library). Raphael also playfully included himself (in the dark beret) on the far right of the work. A series of BBC clips from the British Museum:

The Medieval World

The Crusades lecture/PowerPoint overview. For our purposes focus on the two lectures we focused on in lecture--the First and Fourth--and the legacies of the Crusades overall. The Fourth Crusade: The Black Death: Medieval Architecture: And Michael Woods again in the Art of the Western World series:

Islam's "Empire of Faith" Documentary

This the documentary I referenced in class.

Later Rome

The Empire moves to the East: A brief lecture on Diocletian's division of the Empire:
The first clip is a more theologically detailed look at Constantine.

Sorry about the subtitles that might be distracting.

Ancient Rome

The Romulus and Remus Origin Myths: Make sure to click on the links to very brief essays regarding the myths of Roman origins.
Aeneas escapes a burning Troy with his father (literally) in tow.

In this bust, Aeneas escapes with idols of the family gods.

An obviously ravenous Romulus and Remus, with the famous She-Wolf.

A mapof the famous Seven Hills of Rome

Ancient Italy

In lecture we looked at the values reflected in Rome's origin myths. Keep these in mind as you view the two links below:

Romulus and "wolf" link

Aeneas link
Southern Italy

Second Punic War

Hannibal Barca

Crossing the Rhone River

The Battle of Cannae

This selection of clips comes from several different sources--and yes, I know one of them has been "taken down." I'm looking for its replacement.

A well done documentary regarding Hannibal, Scipio, and the Second Punic War:

Ancient Sparta

Bettany Hushes documentary on ancient Sparta. Again, pay attention to notions of citizenship and the "Social Contract".