Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ancient Greece Study Terms

Ancient Greece: History, Religion & Culture
(Chapter 4)

Geography: Isolation vs. Communication & A Shared Culture

Mycenaean Age
Homer and the “Cult of the (Aristocratic) Individual”
Illiad/Achilles/Trojan War/Arete & Hubris

Dark Age

Hellenic Age
Polis/Hoplite Phalanx (Army) and Trireme (Navy)
Rise in importance of the “common man”
Monarchy/Oligarchy & Democracy
“Haves vs. Have-Nots”
Cleisthenes’ Reforms
Peloponnesus/Helots/”State Slavery”/Messenia/
Militaristic Oligarchy/Dual Kingship
Communal Property/Social Equality/ Agoge/“messes”

The Persian Wars
1st-Darius I--Marathon/490BC
2nd-Xerxes--Thermopylae/Spartans & Leonidas/Salamis
Herodotus—The Histories

Inter-war Period
Delian League (Delos)
Pericles (Acropolis/Parthenon)

Peloponnesian War
Thucydides—The Peloponnesian War

Philip of Macedon
Alexander the Great

Greek Culture: Philosophy, Religion & Architecture

Zeus (nature-thunderbolts)/Apollo/Hera/Poseidon
Civic Patriotism/Athena in Athens/Cosmos & Chaos
Afterlife (Hades)
Mystery Cults/Dionysus-Serapis-Mithra (rebirth)

Confidence: “Man is the measure of all things.”
Natural Law/Empiricism/Hippocrates/”Scientific Medicine”
The “Socratic Method”/Questioning-“Know Thyself”
Ethics, Morality and Truth
Republic/Workers, Warriors, and Philosophers
Laws/Mixed Government
Natural Philosophy
Politics/Mixed Government/Farming Middle Class/Defense of Slavery

History Writing/Herodotus & Thucydides

Greek Drama
Religion and Civic Festival
Sophocles/Antigone/Hubris & Fate

Greek Architecture
The Acropolis:
Balance/ Harmony/ArĂȘte
The Parthenon (Pheidias)
Athena Nike
The Propylaea

Alexander and Hellenistic Culture

Alexander the Great
Successor kingdoms
Diffusion of (Hellenistic) Greek Culture
Trade & slavery
Subjects vs. Citizens
Hellenistic Religious Culture & Philosophy:
Mystery Cults (e.g., Mithra, Serapis)
Stoicism/Zeno/ “Brotherhood of Man”
Noble Acts/Idealism/Virtue as Its Own Reward
Roman Ruling Class & America’s “Founding Fathers”