Monday, January 30, 2017

Human Origins Documentary, "Apocalypse" Documentary and the Scholar Norman Cohn's Cosmos & Chaos

The quality is not the best on this documentary. The documentary below has pretty high production values (especially with Richard Kiley ["Spared no expense!"] and Jean Simmons.

Marduk, representing order, predictability, wealth, health, and success,
destroyed the Dragon-Mother Tiamat to both bring order out of chaos AND
to create the physical universe.

One of the earliest representations of the battle between order and disorder, cosmos and chaos occurred in the mythology of early Babylon. Read the following brief description at:
Battle Against Tiamat and Chaos
Read a review of Cohn's "Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come" at:
Chaos Book Review
The late historian, Norman Cohn, developed the notions of "Chaos and Cosmos" we refer to several times in the early part of the semester. Read his obit from the New York Times:
Cohn obit